International Students



Available programs for international students

Our programs can help you:

  • 通过团队合作、沟通和解决问题的能力取得专业上的成功
  • Earn a bachelor’s degree in just 2.5 years through our year-round schedule

Learn more about each program and where we offer them, below:

Technology programs


云计算或通过互联网提供的软件服务正在带来一波帮助企业变得更加灵活的新机会, efficient and agile. By providing infrastructures, platforms and software as a service, 云计算允许用户随时随地访问和实施重要的业务和技术工具.

Bachelor of Science in Computer and Information Science, Cyber and Network Security major, Cybersecurity track

Do you want to stop cyber-crime before it starts? If preventing, detecting, and battling digital crime is important to you, 网络安全领域的职业可能是完美的选择,而网络和网络安全学位可能是一个很好的开始! As a cybersecurity specialist, you could be on the front lines of cyber warfare and defense, protecting vital computer systems against inside and outside threats alike, including social engineering, hackers, malware, spyware, and viruses.


计算机在社会中日益重要的作用将继续要求熟练的开发人员进行设计, develop, 并为企业和消费者实施基于软件的解决方案和产品. 软件应用系统将您连接到计算机,平板电脑,智能手机或移动设备. Each year, enterprising developers and companies create an array of cloud, 移动和基于网络的产品旨在使业务更有效,让我们的生活更愉快. 十大正规网堵平台软件开发专业的移动开发课程提供了一个基于技能的课程,利用虚拟化的最新跨平台技术. 十大正规平台的课程鼓励学生获得行业认证和实习经验,以增加毕业机会.


Like most everything, web sites are becoming more advanced. Today, 企业和组织如果希望吸引目标受众,就必须在他们的网站上发表声明. Web sites now utilize the latest multimedia, e-commerce, 以及先进的互动工具来吸引流量,让游客回来更多.

Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering Technology

电子技术与许多影响我们日常生活的工业部门密切相关. Every year, new and exciting communications in wired, wireless, 卫星服务影响着改变人们生活方式的设备和机器, work, and play. It’s a dynamic environment that requires professionals to sustain its progress. Wired phone and Cable TV, cellular, Broadband, 移动互联网和卫星电视都受到电子工程技术的冲击. 对自动化制造的投资也在改变对熟练劳动力的需求.

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology

If you want a hands-on career in design, testing, manufacturing, or operations, 那么机械工程技术领域可能正是你一直在寻找的. Here's the best part: there are jobs that are waiting to be filled right now. That's because modern manufacturing is staging a major comeback, thanks to robotics and advanced electronics.


十大正规网堵平台机电一体化课程侧重于工程原理的实际应用. If you are the type of person who likes working with your hands, putting things together, 并结合不同的系统,为现实世界的问题想出一个解决方案, 那么从事电子工程技术工作可能是你的正确选择. 机电一体化专业将为您提供开发和排除机器人解决方案的机会, programmable controllers, and integrated systems. Learn by doing while grasping a firm theoretical foundation in electronics. 将你所学到的知识通过顶点体验付诸实践.


Health Science / Nursing Programs


希望成为一个令人兴奋的行业的一部分,并为每天拯救生命的人们提供重要的支持? A career in healthcare administration may be what you’ve been looking for. 管理人员组织和管理行业各个领域的医疗信息和医护人员.

Business & Criminal Justice Programs

Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice

Looking for a career where you can make a real difference? 没有比保护你的同胞免受伤害更崇高的职业了. What’s more, it’s a truly fascinating career. 今天的刑事司法专业人员在各种涉及调查的环境中工作, security, law enforcement, forensic science, and technology.


It’s no secret. We live in an increasingly dangerous world, 保护国家需要受过特殊训练的专业人员专门追踪, intercepting and prosecuting would-be terrorists. 国土安全专业人员已成为美国国家安全团队不可或缺的一员, 承担起保护公民免受恐怖分子和敌对国家侵害的重要角色.


如果你对数字很有一套,想要成为业务运营的中心, then you may want to consider a career in accounting. Accountants are vital to a company’s success, tracking income and assets, preparing financial statements, and evaluating returns on investments.


The world of business is fast-paced and multifaceted. 它涉及财务管理、市场营销、销售、人事、研究和战略规划. People who succeed in business possess many of these skills, but they also exhibit qualities that serve them equally well – leadership, ingenuity and a team attitude, to name a few. If this piques your interest, 十大正规网堵平台旨在帮助您获得进入当今全球市场所需的教育. Through 十大正规平台’s year-round schedule, 你可以在短短2年内获得工商管理专业的理学学士学位.5 years.


当计算机和网络需要故障排除和维护时,IT专业人员是“首选”人员, therefore, IT Managers play a central role in the daily operations of most any workplace. Technology, when properly configured, installed, and maintained, allows businesses and organization to operate at peak efficiency.

Culinary Arts Programs

Bachelor of Science in Food Service Management

任何成功的餐馆老板或食品服务经理都知道,经营一家伟大的企业比提供美味的食物更重要. It requires solid business knowledge. If you like the idea of blending cuisine, hospitality and management skills, consider a career in Food Service Management.